Value Analysis Programs

Clinical Product Review & Surgical Services Comparative Effectiveness Committees


The mission of this committee is to bring a diverse perspective from our various Hospital and Clinical departments and challenge current practices, promote innovative solutions and to advance John Dempsey Hospital to the next generation of Supply Chain optimization and savings, while reducing committee membership redundancy. Working together we will tap into our collective power and experience. 


Departmental Representation:



Membership and Structure:


·         Optimally seven (7) regular members

         Permanent Members/Officers:  Materials & Supply Chain Management (OLM) & Procurement

·         VAP Champions:  SSCEC - COO of Clinical Operations, CPRC - COO of Nursing

·         Chairperson (Director, Physician or Manager),
First Vice-Chairperson (Director, Physician, Nurse Administrator or Manager),
Second Vice-Chairperson for Communications
(Clinical Staff Training & Development Employee)

·         Officers/Team Leaders (Key Decision Makers in a Department)

·         Clinical & Research Resources

·         OLM Resource Manager (Recording/Communications/Facilitator)

·         Performance/Score Card Monitor - VAT Dashboard


Representation Suggested:


Resource Pool for Regular/ADHOC Membership:



Scheduled Meetings:




Duties and Responsibilities:



Performance of Duties and Procedures:



The Role of Logistics Management and Purchasing Department:



The Role of the VAPASC: